Why You Need a Cohabitation Agreement
CINDY HIDE Welcome to Love, Money, and the Law. My name is Cindy Hide, and my guest today is Sandra Williamson. The subject is cohabitation and Sandra is here to talk to us about her experience with a very long committed relationship. So, welcome Sandra.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Thank you, pleasure.
CINDY HIDE Tell me first why you agreed to come on camera and share with us some of the advantages and disadvantages of living with a partner instead of marriage.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON The two are very different. I was married for 20 years, cohabitated for 15, so they were pretty the same in length but very different. And when you're married you start with the priest you end in court but when you're in cohabitation you go into it thinking that's not going to happen, you're in love, and you know that court’s not going to be involved because you're not married.
CINDY HIDE Was that one of the reasons why you chose not to get married?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That was one of the reasons, and I just wanted to be sure or hope that I had made the better decision in the person that I had picked to share my life with, and you know, I was in love and we were in love and everything starts out the same way as when you're dating and we decided to make the decision to move in. I had my own home, I had my own job, I had my own income, I was doing well for myself, and he was too, and initially that erodes away, my part of my life eroded away into his and we became one.
CINDY HIDE How long were you together?
CINDY HIDE And how long before or how long after you knew each other did you start living together, or, was it something that happened pretty quickly or, or did you feel like you knew each other right away? I mean sometimes when you’ve been through a marriage you feel like you have a little better discernment ability with a partner the next time around. So, you know, it varies.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON It had been a couple of years and um the attraction was there, and he had actually made the decision that, we were living in different parts of town so, out of convenience, it was easier for me to move in. And, so, I rented my place, having had my own place, because I still wasn't sure, uh and I said ok well you know we’ll move in together and then eventually that went into selling my place and living in his. I still had my own income so everything was fine as long as it was more on an even basis, and as you have discussed in the financial part of things that is eventually what will erode any relationship no matter what, but in particular, in a cohabitation agreement.
CINDY HIDE But why do you say that? Can you share with us some of the circumstances that began to erode your relationship, if that's what happened, around money?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That is what happened because you start living with someone and eventually your job becomes not quite as important as theirs and you want to give up what you're doing to satisfy them to make their lives better so in that respect you're losing out, your social security does not build, your finances for later on discontinue.
CINDY HIDE So, were you working the entire time or, or not?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON I worked for 10 years of it.
CINDY HIDE Ok, so it really was very similar to a marriage in a way?
CINDY HIDE So, you stopped your work life to care for him and did he have family, too, or did you have family as well involved in this?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That is the thing that attracted us the most I think to each other is my children were grown and gone so it was just the two of us, there was no reason to have a marriage. Normally the marriage would be the proper thing to do in that time but our children were grown and gone and it was just, convenient you know, it was convenient to just move in and there wasn't all the trappings that you have in a marriage where you have to combine everything. Eventually, we kept everything separate for a while, I had my own bank account, he had his own bank account, and as we progressed we got a bank account together and he wanted people to know that we were a couple so he wore a ring, I wore a ring. Um, we did present ourselves as married and when people would say oh your husband or your wife, um, we just never corrected them, and as we got further down the road things started happening and the situation was starting to deteriorate, um, because I was looking at things, we bought a home together, we bought a town home together and he said, “this is your security,” because he put it in my name and his name, and you know you say in buying and putting your finances together is part of living together and that can be a good thing but it can also not workout and that's what I would like to address to people who go through this and say, “why you know my name's on the home,” or “my name is on his will,” or “my name is on his insurance.” First of all, the will and insurance can be changed with the stroke of a pen.
CINDY HIDE That's exactly right. Either of those are revocable at any time. That's right, just because someone says you are now the beneficiary of this life insurance policy unless you own the life insurance policy then, uh, it's very easy to, uh, to change beneficiaries, exactly, with the stroke of a pen. Same way for wills. In many states in the country it is entirely possible even when you're married to disown your own spouse without their knowledge. Uh, so if you're not married, it’s a non-issue because you have no inheritance rights anyway.
CINDY HIDE Did you two ever discuss marriage, or not?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON No, we had both decided not to get married. He had been married before and had a rather expensive settlement, so I think he was tainted from the whole marriage part of it. And his credit had been affected by it and my credit was excellent, so on my part of things I did not want to commingle and have my credit ruined because of his difficulties, even though he had plenty, he was financially secure the credit did not change for years to come and mine had always been good. So that was one of the factors even though it seems like a minor factor, but I think at that time I was thinking long term if this doesn't work out, I still need to be able to have something to build on.
CINDY HIDE What would you say to other women particularly who are considering cohabitating instead of marriage? I mean, bottom line, do you think it's a good idea?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON I think it's for each individual person, but for me, I really think that you're selling yourself short so to speak. Cohabitation is convenient and when it's convenient it's easy. It's not really the commitment that you get in marriage when you're in marriage and people will say “well that can end too.” Yes, it can end, but when it ends there's a settlement involved. In cohabitation there's not a settlement involved. Not to the degree that there is in a marriage.
CINDY HIDE That can be very true absent the cohabitation agreement that might anticipate your financial circumstances in the event of a split. We were talking earlier about what can also happen in a negative way. Let's say you moved to another country together or you're traveling together in another country and there might be an emergency, or you know perhaps you're living there for a limited period of time; do you want to comment on any of your personal experience in that area?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Well, we’ll back up a little bit on the home that we actually purchased together because I think a lot of people who cohabitate and purchase a home together feel secure, my name is on the home. What happened to us, and I think it’s important for people to realize can happen, it does happen, because it happened to me.
My name was on it, his name was on it, so it was fifty – fifty. I was paying for half of it up until about 2 years and then he paid it off. Several years down the road he said we need to sell we need to sell we need to move, it's time to move on we're not working we're going to travel and he pressed me and pressed me to move and I finally gave in and said okay, you know, let's move. And so, we sold the home. Well we had a mutual account and even though when it went through all the paperwork and it said okay a check needs to be distributed to you and to him he called them, unbeknownst to me, and said we have a mutual account so just make the check out, the direct deposit into the mutual account. I didn't have a problem with that because the promise was, we're going to sell this home but we're going to move on to Arizona, Phoenix, where we were going to go and we were going to have another home just as nice as this one, so I didn't think anything of it. It was going into our mutual account, my name was on that account, his name was on that account so when the transaction was done he said can you check the account to see if the money is in and he asked me several times that, has the money hit the account, has money hit the account, and so finally I saw it did and he had had me check it, and he wasn't checking it, he was having me check it, and I said yes, it’s hit the account. And he said okay, that's great.
I didn't give it a second thought. I paid all the bills through that account, that's why we had initially had a mutual account. A couple weeks later when I went in to pay the monthly bills, I notice that all of the money has been transferred out of that account.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON And I was not told. The money had been transferred into an account with only his name on it.
CINDY HIDE And he did not tell you?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON He did not tell me.
CINDY HIDE So, after how many years?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON After twelve years.
CINDY HIDE You would think you know someone by then, right?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That's right, and I had money into it so that kind of started off the avalanche of “what's happening here.” My security was badly shaken after that because I had thought I owned half this home, that is my security, with half this home I haven't lost anything, I can still build a retirement, but now that was gone. And our jobs were gone because we had resigned to travel.
CINDY HIDE So, is there a happy ending to this story or not?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Unfortunately, not. We moved to Scottsdale and we never did purchase a home, he started adamantly refusing to purchase a home, but to make matters worse, he had transferred all of his funds to an international account in Singapore.
CINDY HIDE Including your funds, right?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Everything that was my half, yes.
CINDY HIDE Oh, my goodness.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON So, all I had was what was in my account but since we weren't working any longer nothing was building, and I was still paying for all my own expenses, so my account was depleting rapidly while his was secure. And in another country.
CINDY HIDE And he’s still alive, and he's lived to tell his side of the story, somewhere I’m sure!
CINDY HIDE That's pretty tough.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That's right, it's tough, and I started really getting concerned when we moved to Phoenix because even though I wanted to move there with him, because I thought we would have another home, and get another job, all of that went out the window and then I started realizing I'm sixteen hours away from my family, they're really all the security I have right now, so it will be further away. And not only that if we had an accident and she said if we have an accident if there's any medical issues he had no authority over me I have none over him there was a little bit of animosity on his side from his ex and from his daughter so, I started thinking if something happens to him, you know, where am I, because I have no rights? The electricity, everything was in his name, so it really painted a picture of, I'm on the outside not on the inside.
CINDY HIDE But that's not the way it started?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That's not the way it started. Everything started mutual, nothing ever really starts that way.
CINDY HIDE You know, I think that's a very important part too. Because, you know, we always think we're making the right decision at the time, no matter what it is in life, I truly believe that, no one starts a relationship with the intention of things going badly, especially when you're combining your funds and your entire life together, you know, things are usually going pretty well to do that.
CINDY HIDE So without the benefit of marriage you're absolutely correct, because you're not, you're not building anything together, no matter what stage in life you're in, but if things do go badly then without being married you also are in this situation you know, that don't have the same leverage as you would otherwise in a divorce situation.
Would you say the disadvantages outweigh the advantages over all?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Absolutely, to further the story I think he felt my unease with the whole situation and I voiced it several times and he said “don't worry about it, I'll take care of you don't worry, I'll take care of you,” which a lot of times they say that. He started saying we needed to move to another country because things were just not stable in the United States, we needed to move to another country.
CINDY HIDE Not stable in the United States? What other country would be more stable than the United States?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That’s right, but yeah, we went on a world wind. We started off in Chili, well that was too far away, I didn't want to move there, I absolutely refused, loved it, but refused. We went to Argentina, we went to Ecuador, we went to Puerto Rico, we went to Mexico, and ended up in Panama. And the reason we settled in Panama was because there was a community, Coronado, that they spoke English, mostly English, I didn’t have to learn another language, it was the dollar, based on the dollar which is a lot of issues when you live in another country, it’s a whole different kind of thing. So, he kind of had me there, and again, we bought another condo, and he put it in my name and his name. But we're now in another country and that changes everything.
CINDY HIDE Well on the surf, on the surface, you would think, well that's a good thing, that’s a good faith investment that you're both a part of so what's the downside in another country?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON So downside is you’re still as an unmarried couple, they don't recognize that at all in that country and even though we purchased the condo together, when you're in a cohabitational arrangement and it ends and they’re in the house, and they have leverage because they have the money, even if your name is on it and they say “well I need a place to live, you are the one who wants to leave,” which I left, I'm the one who left the situation. It's very difficult to force a resolution in particularly in another country so you're kind of stuck. So, for over a year he said, “I'm not leaving, you left, I'm staying in the condo.”
CINDY HIDE I think you raise a good point “forcing a resolution” and then what your legal rights do, you know, what you do have left. I'm a lawyer and I would not want to be in that situation in another country to find another, you know, competent lawyer that I feel comfortable with and confident with to represent me. It’s not always the same as our judicial system here that I have a great deal of faith in, so.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That’s right, and the lawyers here cannot help you. I spoke to you, I spoke to several people, and they cannot help you in an overseas situation.
CINDY HIDE Most of us are not licensed in other countries, I mean, and so, and even if we were, if you're not, if you're not there on a daily basis that's a challenge. But it doesn't mean you can't contact counsel in other countries, it's more expensive, it's more time consuming, and more traumatizing, because you're not here at home.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON And in addition to that they look at who actually purchased the property even though it was in my name and his name we were not married the purchase was made out of his overseas account.
CINDY HIDE Oh, I see what you’re saying, where the fund's originated.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That's right, so that's something I think when you live in a cohabitational situation or agreement you don't look at all the pieces to the puzzle. You want to think about it is marriage a lot of people have “you know it's been a year or two so it's common law, it's just like being married,” no it's not. Not at all, not even close.
CINDY HIDE Well and just because you live together, at least in Texas, doesn't necessarily mean you're married. You have to hold yourself out as being married and both of you have to agree to that and some other things too and you need to be clear about exactly what you're doing because your either married or you're not married, and if you were married in common law then you need to get a divorce like everybody else if you split up.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That’s right, and I was thinking okay, what's going to happen to my children? Because I'm being drained day by day of my funds, even though I'm living with this man and have lived with him for 15 years, the financial thing just started to explode for me.
CINDY HIDE So, he was not financially supportive of you even when you agreed to stop working because of your relationship right?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Right, because he said, “I'm taking care of everything, why should you worry about it, why do you need money” and he would come to the store or he would come to wherever I went, and he would pay for it.
CINDY HIDE Oh, so you never had money in your own account?
CINDY HIDE Well that is not the same thing now is it?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Then to make matters worse, when you allow that kind of situation, when it does dissolve and you try to say, you know, the home was in my name too or this was partly owned by me or I did all these things, it's proving it. It's up to you to prove what you did or what you paid for and even though I had done everything in the house and I had paid for more than my share, I felt, in comparison to his income and mine, I really hadn't kept any kind of receipts or any kind of logs of what I had paid for so on paper it looked like he paid for everything so I really wasn't entitled and even had I thought it, well now you're at the point to where you've depleted your funds so how are you going to fight someone to get what maybe the courts will allow and if they don't then you're further in the whole financially.
CINDY HIDE That's one hundred percent right and as we both know a relationship is a lot more than just who writes a check for the property that you live in or for your groceries. I mean there's so much more that’s involved in a life and home and a family of two. And you're right, without the benefit of marriage when it all falls apart, or if it does, what do you have to take away from that for you if you have given all of your time and attention to your partner.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON I think if you're going to take that option, and a lot of people have, and a lot of people are day by day, but if you're going to decide that that's the direction you want to take you really have to live together separately, in a sense, you do need to have your own finances, you do need to have your own income, you do need to have a plan for yourself separately from that person because you're living together, but it's separate, you really are separate in your finances, separate in your obligations, separate in your medical, separate in everything, and so is he. If you combine it or try to combine it the laws don't cover you like they do in your marriage.
CINDY HIDE That's right.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON So, I think for people who are looking at that and saying, “well that's just the way I want to live my life, I'm not ready to get married,” then keep everything separate. Make sure that you know that you have something to fall back on, you have a safety net.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON And we too often are so in love that we trust the combination of funds and putting everything together because we feel that we are building that life together a building that home together and slowly, slowly and surely someone is getting depleted and the other person is going to come out ahead.
Well if your financial accounts are not relatively equal and you're not sharing all of your living expenses, that's exactly true. One or the other and that goes to the value that you bring to the relationship and that's not necessarily financial.
There’s a different way to measure the energy and the love that you bring and that's expressed differently oftentimes between men and women or between cohabitating partners, whatever the case may be.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON I do think also when you're cohabitating it's a different mindset. When you're in a marriage if someone goes outside of that marriage or outside of the relationship, it's cheating. But a lot of times in a cohabitation it's felt differently, there's a different feel about it, it's kind of like “well we are just dating.”
CINDY HIDE By the person who is cheating or by the other person?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON By the person who was cheating, obviously. But there is that kind of feeling that, we're not married, so you made me mad or you made me angry, or you did this.
CINDY HIDE So, what’s the big deal, right?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Yeah, so what’s the big deal? We’re not married, she can't do anything about it, he can't do anything about it. It’s not gonna cost me anything.
No, there's a piece of freedom that’s felt, I think, in that kind of relationship that's not felt in a marriage, even though it still happens in a marriage, I think there's a lot more responsibility connected in a marriage.
CINDY HIDE Accountability.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Accountability, exactly, that's the word I was looking for. And in cohabitation it's just a freer, looser boundaries then there is in a marriage.
CINDY HIDE So, do you believe that adage that says men cohabitate with a woman until they find the woman that they want to marry and then women cohabitate with a man because they feel like it's a step toward marriage? Do you agree with that?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON I totally agree with that because when a man says, “I don't want to get married,” I think they're not finishing the sentence, what they're saying is “I do not want to marry you.”
CINDY HIDE Okay, that's a little more to the point.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That’s right. They’re in a holding pattern and I kind of metaphorically compare it to a meal. You're an appetizer until the entree is served. And I don’t want to be…
CINDY HIDE Ah, smack, that’s a little rough.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Exactly, it is, but it’s the truth in a lot of relationships and I don't want to be the appetizer I want to be the main course I want to be the entree and when I leave, I want to feel full and nutritioned and just really supporting me. No, the appetizer isn’t going to do it.
CINDY HIDE I think that's a big part of the energy around marriage is that there is a not just a holding out of your commitment but it's more meaningful it’s a deeper level of a relationship. I mean what is more profound, than a marriage?
CINDY HIDE I don't think there is anything as far as in terms of a relationship speaking. Because you know a promise ring isn't going to do it. Cohabitating is not the same as you beautifully outlined. A marriage is something still, although it's considered sort of you know the old fashioned way, of doing things or there are reasons why some institutions such as marriage do endure and why certainly many feel it’s the backbone of our society, because it makes a statement not just to your community and your family but to each other about why you are there.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON I feel like a marriage says I love you with everything I have and all that I have, and I accept you for everything you have and all that you have no matter what that is. But in a cohabitation, it's kind of like, let's see what happens, one foot in one foot out, not totally dedicated, where a marriage is a dedication from the beginning, totally dedicated to each other. You wanna, you want to put everything together, you want to be one, but cohabitation is saying I still want to be with you, but I still want my separateness, and it's a slippery slope.
CINDY HIDE That was very well said. I thank you so much for being so open.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Thank you for having me.
CINDY HIDE And sharing your experiences and the positive and the negative and the fun and the not so much fun. I know you've helped a lot of people just by doing that, so.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON I hope so. Just beware I will never enter into any other relationship of any kind without speaking to an attorney first.
CINDY HIDE Bravo, brava! Very good. It’s good for everyone out there, you should always speak with a family law attorney about almost anything in your personal life these days.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Yes, that's right, because you can have all the trust in the world, but you still have to know what to expect. You really need to look down the road and look at what that looks like instead of just in the immediate gratification of being with someone being in love. You know at some point that part's going to wear off and what's left? And how are you going to handle it?
CINDY HIDE Well you know you hope, again, going back to the difference between marriage and cohabitation, I think the opportunity for a deeper level of love is afforded in a marriage and maybe I’m just old fashioned or not appreciating all the possibilities in cohabitation but I think again, it’s that level of commitment that makes the difference.
There was even a study done some years ago by attorneys and they were lawyers across the country in family law were asked, “what is the number one reason you believe that the marriages are successful,” and the number one reason was, commitment to the marriage.
CINDY HIDE No fault statues exist in almost every state in the country now and so if you just don't like your husband or your wife anymore you just wake up one morning and go, well, “Bye!” And you’re done. There's nothing you can do to stop it. You can slow it down, it might take time, but…
SANDRA WILLIAMSON And it's a lot easier when you're cohabitating. Because when I divorced there was a whole thing you have to go through with the lawyers in the court and the separation of property and all of the assets that you really had earned together or built together, that's the difference, that was a marriage, but in cohabitation, when I left that, I packed two bags, got on the plane, and left. That was it. Nothing to stop you and nothing to just pick up and take with you either.
CINDY HIDE No, unfortunately.
Okay, let me ask you one more question. So, knowing what you know now in your personal situation, had you crafted a cohabitation agreement with your partner at the beginning of your relationship, do you think you could have avoided some of the, let me see here.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That is an excellent question.
CINDY HIDE The outfall or the fallout.
The fallout, that would be.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That's an excellent question. And absolutely right. I think had I had an agreement, or we, not I, if we had had an agreement, if we had sat down and planned everything out, who is responsible for what, how the finances were going to work, away from the love and all that stuff, if we had planned.
CINDY HIDE Never mind about the love part, let’s just talk about the money.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Because you know you already have that, and you know you already have that.
CINDY HIDE I understand, I’m just playing.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Yeah, but when you, if we would have sat down and planned all of those things out and it would have been set up from the start, while you do, you are in that mist of love and you want to take care of that person so at the start you are going to make a better arrangement for that partner, I feel, and I think had we done that in the beginning I think he would have totally wanted me to be set in case anything happened to him.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Set and secure, no matter what happens, um, but when you let it go, when time goes by and you haven't set anything up, it erodes. The financial end does erode because the security is just not there and had we set it up from the beginning, had we gotten a contract, I truly believe we would probably still be together.
CINDY HIDE That's a big statement. It really is.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON I do, because it would have made all the difference. I would have felt secure.
CINDY HIDE It brings up another issue, is that you know you, it’s either financial or sexual or both, sometimes it’s important to stop and think, wait a minute, this particular issue is causing bad feelings. Bad feelings that do not lay a foundation for a passionate, loving relationship. So, you've got to deal with the core of what is causing the discord between you because if you don't it will, it will, just show up and every aspect of your life. And finances are so critical, I mean it's, fifty percent of your relationship is about finance, so if that's not solid how can you just go have fun and be you know, happy about your life if you're concerned about you know, you're not, you're not in the same conversation financially.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That's right, and it doesn't have to be about, a lot of people say, well that's kind of cold. You know you immediately go into the financial, “don't you love this person,” “it's all about love,” and you know, “the finances shouldn't be part of it.”
CINDY HIDE It’s both.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON It's both and if that person really loves you and cares for you, he's going to want to make sure your taken care of and it's not always about the relationship not working out. For me as time went on and especially living in another country, it was very dangerous where we were, people were getting killed, people were having accidents, and no help at all, so I started thinking if anything happens, nothing is set up for me financially if something happens to him. So, it's not about the relationship ending as much as it was also about what if we have an accident, what if he passes away, what if he’s incapacitated, what do I do? I have nothing. I have no rights. Nothing has been set up for me. I'm a non-factor, and that was a very scary place to be. A very insecure place to be, and it does erode and eventually you start developing resentment because you don't have that in place, and people might say “well why didn’t you bring that up, why didn’t you talk to him about it.” I did and every time I tried to say I'm not comfortable with this he would say “what are you worried about, I'm taking care of everything, am I not taking care of everything?”
CINDY HIDE What does that mean? Where does it say, where is that written down somewhere?
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That's what you have to ask, the questions.
CINDY HIDE That’s right.
Well I can, I can say that when I'm drafting a prenuptial agreement, and it doesn't matter whether what partner it is, I feel like I have a pretty good sense of how that marriage is going to go from the first meeting because either my client will sit down and say to me, you know, I want to make sure that if something happens to me my wife or my husband is taken care of for whatever reason whether it's financial or its children or whatever, they're thinking about the other person first.
CINDY HIDE That's a beautiful statement of what love is about. But if someone comes in and says okay, I want to make sure that in the event we get divorced, you know, he or she doesn't get any more than this much, and I want to say it's a whole different feeling, it's a very different conversation and frankly, I don't, I guess at this point in my life after living through what I have personally and also what I have in my office, I don't have a lot of hope for that long term.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON That’s when you really want to say don't do it, but you can't!
CINDY HIDE Call that other person and say stop but you can't.
You may want to wait on this decision.
Alright, well Sandra, thank you so much for coming.
SANDRA WILLIAMSON Thank you for having me.
CINDY HIDE You’ve been very, very helpful.
CINDY HIDE It was very enlightening.
CINDY HIDE Thank you for listening to this episode about cohabitation on Love, Money, and the Law. I'm Cindy Hide, and if you'd like to have more information or hear more stories about marriage and divorce go to lovemoneylaw.com to listen to more videos and podcasts and webinars and to see when our next seminar is scheduled. Thank you.